This and That by Dennis Wade


Nothing is ever quite as good or as bad as the prevailing mood of the moment – Attribution unknown

Insurance is stressful whether you are a lawyer, claim professional, or underwriter [See, I used the Oxford comma in the preceding sentence even though entirely unnecessary for clarity].

Each week we see articles in insurance and legal publications stressing just how stressful what we do really is. Some pieces give advice on how to deal with stress while others simply spout statistics on risk factors such as depression, alcohol or drug abuse.

So what is my solution? I keep in mind the saying above: “Nothing is ever quite as good or as bad as the prevailing mood of the moment.” In fact, I have that saying embedded in a Lucite block on my desk.

The trick is to avoid the lows as well as the highs of any legal or claim controversy as it unfolds.  The mood of the moment will inevitably change: A bad fact may recede into insignificance; or perhaps a seemingly good fact will betray you in the end. You just never know. And, so, stay steady and avoid the mood of the moment because the only certainty is it will change.

And that’s it for this This and That. If you would like to share your stress solution, please call or email Dennis.